The great corn war: Ukrainian goods missing, while Hungarian industry fed up with state regulations

The grain and oilseed market has undergone a period of turbulent change recently. First came the drought, after which even the scarce Hungarian maize was infected with fungal toxins. Then, quite quickly, the infrastructure for receiving grains from Ukraine, which had been deprived of sea transport facilities, was built up. However, once the market price had decreased, the producers got the government to impose an import ban. Things could change again though, and there are those who think it would be best if market laws were allowed to prevail. The EU has also intervened, with its move not aimed against the Hungarian ban, but at protecting Ukraine’s other markets.

The great corn war: Ukrainian goods missing, while Hungarian industry fed up with state regulations
The grain and oilseed market has undergone a period of turbulent change recently. First came the drought, after which even the scarce Hungarian maize was infected with fungal toxins. Then, quite quickly, the infrastructure for receiving grains from Ukraine, which had been deprived of sea transport facilities, was built up. However, once the market price had decreased, the producers got the government to impose an import ban. Things could change again though, and there are those who think it would be best if market laws were allowed to prevail. The EU has also intervened, with its move not aimed against the Hungarian ban, but at protecting Ukraine’s other markets.